How to sell a top-tier newspaper publication to a professional demographic

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How to sell a top-tier newspaper publication to a professional demographic

Post by reemashakeel »

Taking an honest and down-to-earth copywriting style can help you sell your luxury brand. This classic sales letter by Newsweek takes a frank and honest style that manages to persuade the reader that this is a brand they want to be a part of. Whether you are selling luxury cars, hotel bookings, or high-end fashion, these copywriting tips will work to move sales. Pay special attention to the emotional selling points in the letter.


Dear Reader:

If the list upon which I found your name is any indication, this is not the first — nor will it be the last — subscription letter you receive. Quite frankly, your education and income set you apart from the general population and make you a highly-rated prospect for everything from magazines to mutual funds.

You’ve undoubtedly ‘heard everything’ by now in the way of promises and premiums. I won’t try to top any of them.

Nor will I insult your intelligence.

If you subscribe to Newsweek, you won’t get rich quickly. You won’t bowl over friends and business associates with clever remarks and sage comments after your first copy of Newsweek arrives. (Your conversation will benefit from a better understanding of the events and forces of our era, but that’s all. Wit and wisdom are gifts no magazine can bestow.) And should you attain further professional or business success during the term of your subscription, you’ll have your own native ability and good luck to thank for it — not Newsweek.

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