Podcasts Vs YouTube: When To Pick Podcasting For Building Your Small Business

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Podcasts Vs YouTube: When To Pick Podcasting For Building Your Small Business

Post by ten »

It's somewhat true that not every small business can do YouTube to promote their business.

To me, it's not so much a matter of ability as it is disposition.

Meaning, if you or a staff member are okay going in front of the camera to share value with your potential buyers, then you should be on YouTube. You will reap a handsome reward in terms of brand and sales growth.

But, if you really DON'T want to be in front of the cameras, then you might be one of those businesses that will be better served taking the podcast route.

Now, I'm no podcast veteran by any stretch of the imagination. I have a very few listeners, but growing.

Yet I can tell you that podcast fans really do engage. They're almost like gamers in that respect: a niche but passionate fanbase.

And to be honest, there's a novelty around podcasting that maybe YouTube and older video platforms simply have lost with time.

A lot of the rules that make for YouTube success still apply to podcasting for small business growth, but not all of them:

- be engaging, dynamic
- tell stories
- share your personal experiences
- invite listeners to ask questions, and answer them in your episodes
- don't be boring

But at least you can get away with not having to be on video. My two cents for those considering podcasting is, go all in. This really does feel like the new heydays of the medium, with lots of innovations ahead!!

By the way, I'll be running a training soon on how to market your consulting services with an INCREDIBLE YEARLONG PROFITS FUNNEL. Sign up here to be notified:

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