Value First: And Other Such Esoteric Marketing Concepts

Lessons from famous and not so famous billionaire entrepreneurs
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Value First: And Other Such Esoteric Marketing Concepts

Post by ten »

There's a philosophical clash, almost, in the business world, between the ace master salespeople that can sell ice to eskimos, and the "brand marketers" with their growth hacks, New Age marketing metrics, and other such soft concepts, that's really fascinating to watch!

If you're a #solopreneur, this is a debate you need to be tuned into, because how and where you sell or build a brand really can make all the difference in the future of your business.

The cold calling technique has its merits, but one downside is that, for the 99% of prospects who are not intested in buying what we are selling, it creates enormous dead weight loss, where you and them just wasted some time engaging in a conversation about something that ended up not being a fit.

Looked at this way, the "value first" approach of the brand builders wins a bit because you never sell first. Instead, you are delivering value whether through a webinar or a free training of some kind. And you then add a call to action somewhere in the process, or maybe you skipp it altogether and wait for inbound inquiries.

This does look a lot more like how the biggest companies sell their products. You're never gonna have an Apple or Samsung sales rep come knocking at your door to pitch the latest iPhone. Apple draws you in by the power of their brand.

There's a lot more to this nuanced subject, but we'll explore it more another time!
:idea: Turn your biz into the Bugatti or Ferrari of your industry:
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