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A Writer Shares 5 Ways To Achieve Spectacular Results With Networking

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 2:37 pm
by reemashakeel
If you’ve never been to a writing conference before, I can give you one piece of advice right now: prepare to be overwhelmed. That’s how I felt when I attended my first writing conference, the AWP Annual Conference in Boston. There seemed to be no limit to the panels to attend, authors and editors to meet, and off-site readings at which to imbibe.

In retrospect, I’m not sure I made the most of it — there was simply too much to do, and I came into the conference with no plan whatsoever. However, after much reflection, I’ve determined what I could have done better so I can make the most of the next writing conference I attend. I’m here today to share my conclusions so that you, too, can take advantage of the myriad opportunities writing conferences provide (and not have retrospective FOMO as I did).


Perhaps the most important thing to do before attending a conference is to figure out what you want out of it. This is partly so you can make the most of the conference, and also partly so you can choose the right one in the first place! There are tons of different conference options out there, so picking one that aligns with your goals is key.

For example, if you’re a fiction writer looking to finish a piece of work, the workshop model of the Sewanee Writers’ Conference would be an excellent choice. But if your manuscript is already finished and you’re looking for professionals or publishing knowledge, The Muse and the Marketplace might be better.

Once you’re at your chosen conference, keep your focus in mind. Whether this is generating more work, meeting editors, or gathering inspiration from the talks, you should always be working toward a concrete goal or set of goals. It can be easy to go into “vacation mode” at a conference, but remembering your goal(s) will give you the motivation to actually work. And trust me: you’ll be grateful later that you didn’t spend the whole weekend lounging by the pool.

This tip applies mainly to the conference itself, but being prepared starts as early as registration! Some writing conferences sell out quickly, so it pays to register ASAP — plus many conferences offer a discount if you register early.

After you’re signed up, create a conference plan. Look at the schedule and come up with a personalized agenda that will keep you busy, but won’t send you running around like crazy. Do a bit of research on who’s who, especially the lecturers you plan on seeing; you never know with whom you might rub shoulders. On that note, try to memorize your “elevator pitch” as well — just a two-to-three-sentence summary of what you’re working on currently. This will keep you from fumbling for words when that opportune moment arises.

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And of course, thorough preparation naturally means bringing along essential materials. Take a backpack with a folder, notebook, at least two pens, business cards, and copies of your book’s written synopsis or first chapter if you have it available. You’ll also accumulate a lot of free stuff (yay conference swag!), so having a larger bag to carry it all could end up being a lifesaver.

While it’s important to create goals that you can meet comfortably, it’s also good to think of ways you might broaden your horizons at a writing conference. This is certainly one of the things I regret about my first conference experience; I accomplished most of what I set out to do, but I hardly tried anything new or different, despite the plethora of unique opportunities.

To that end, you should always be thinking of potential ways to step outside your comfort zone during a conference — not so much that you end up super-stressed, but enough that you can later think, “Wow, I’m proud of myself for doing that!” For example, if you’re an introvert, you should try networking with strangers for an hour or two. Or if you normally write short fiction, you might attend a poetry panel discussion and then attempt to write some poetry of your own.

Remember, there are so many opportunities at writing conferences: critiques, panels, workshops, book fairs, one-on-ones, and more! You never know what kind of inspiration you’ll find or where you’ll find it, but there’s no better place to explore your options.

If you’re anything like me, making the first move to talk to a stranger may be hard; however, it’s an absolute conference essential. It also might be tempting to only talk to professionals, but other authors can offer valuable experience and insights too.

Again, this is a great challenge for my fellow introverts, as the connections you forge at a conference could change the trajectory of your entire career! For instance, you might talk to an amazing designer who offers you a discount on their services, and you’re finally able to afford a dream cover for your book. Or you talk to an author who gives you a revelatory piece of advice that helps you untangle a difficult plot issue. You may even meet an acquiring editor for a publisher and snag yourself a contract!

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