Insights In Setting And Accomplishing Goals From The Navy SEALs

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Insights In Setting And Accomplishing Goals From The Navy SEALs

Post by reemashakeel »


New Day. New Year. It’s General Tomahawk. Wait, wait. It’s not New Year yet. I’m back with another episode of how I became General Tomahawk. Today, I want to share a simple two-step framework for accomplishing your goals in internet marketing.

I hope this helps you that I’ve been working on some pretty big goals myself in the Internet marketing space. And recently I came up with this two-step framework if you will. So the first step is working on the most important stuff. So you might be going full steam ahead. If you’re working on something that is only capable of affecting 10% of the reality of your strategic space. And the game board, the chess board, then that’s not going to do that much for you.

Even though you’re going hard, that’s good. But you’re not working on the most important thing. At the same time, you might be neglecting something that accounts for 70% of your results. As an example, look at the health space, right? Like if you’re taking all kinds of supplements. Then at the same time, you’re not exercising. You’re not doing something else that’s super important. You’re not avoiding infection or something like that. You’re working in a very dirty area or in an infected space. You might be well on the supplement side. Your health is going to suffer because you’ve ignored something super important. So step one is getting clear and focusing on your most important. I wouldn’t even say task because a lot of tasks that we do are small things that are not going to affect us much. You want to work on your most important things.

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