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Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:53 pm
by reemashakeel


I’m excited that you’ve chosen to join me in the Renegade billionaire go-setting workshop. In this course, I’m going to walk you through setting your own billionaire part. How to build up your business to a multi-billion dollar business.
How to take your net worth from where it is right now into the stratosphere. Now, I’m excited because you’re somebody, taking this course that believes they got what it takes to build a large network. And, that’s the most important first step if you got to see it.
If you don’t see it, it’s tough. If you don’t believe you got what it takes, it’s hard. So that’s an essential first ingredient. Now, I didn’t set out to be a coach, a billionaire mindset coach.
I didn’t set out to be a guy teaching other people how they could become billionaires or super successful or any of that jazz. I was solving problems in my own life.
I had been laid off from a great job, and I had sacrificed so much for the job and for the company and things like that. I did not appreciate it. It was not valued. So what I decided was, okay, that’s cool, like, all right, I’m not needed here anymore.
I guess I’m on my own. And I was like, I know what I’m going to do. I’m going off and I’m going to build my billion-dollar corporation. And when I do, I’m not going to lay people off like that. I’m not going to fire people or lay people off, I will not be a douchebag. That was a big motivation for me to get out of the gates. Like, what am I doing with my life?
As I went along, of course. I realized that there were a lot of young people around me. My friends were trying to do a lot of similar things to me and many of them were stuck as I was or had been. And so I started teaching the lessons that I learned along the way.
And for a long time, I taught the billionaire retreat with some friends. I got some friends together. I shared with them some lessons. I’ve been learning for myself from studying the billionaires and Titans. How they do it, exactly what kind of business strategies they got.
A lot of super valuable lessons. It’s hard for teachers that have not been in business for themselves or have not been entrepreneurs to teach this stuff. But now in this course, this is something much more batter included than the billionaire retreat. ... journey-2/