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Robert Cialdini And Psychological Triggers For Selling Courses And Stuff

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 3:33 pm
by reemashakeel


General Tomahawk is back with another episode of How I became General Tomahawk. Today the topic is Robert Cialdini and the triggers.

The psychological triggers of influence will be important to you. If you’re trying to sell calls or you’re trying to sell anything online. Whether you’re trying to promote your business in any kind of way at all.

There’s a great book, Robert Cialdini Influence, the psychology of what’s called influence. The psychology of persuasion is something along those lines. It’s a great book because Cialdini is an academic psychologist.

He’s way deep in the study and the psychology behind why people do the things they do and how influence works. And this is of great interest to those of us that are actually in the field. What practitioners of influence and the psychology of influence. So you might think that the academic world and the online marketing world, have nothing in common. ... and-stuff/