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10 BILLIONAIRE Practices

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 5:42 am
by reemashakeel


In this lesson, I’m going to teach you ten essential billionaire practices. That will get you to make progress from where you are to hitting that billionaire network. It’s worth it.

Now, this is not the whole system, the whole system is in the entire course. But these are ten practices right now that you can put in place. If you were already a billionaire, you would already do these things. And these are things that many people don’t do.

Because they don’t know and that can actually keep them stuck for a long time. So it’s essential that right at the start of this course, you learn these ten essential billionaire practices. And you do them and put them into practice right away, every day. You need to be doing this. It needs to become a habit and second nature to you.

Okay, so the first billionaire practice is you need to set big superlative goals. Okay, it’s time to throw off. It’s done. You’re now in the exponential zone and I want you to step into the exponential zone. I want you to make the switch.

You’re thinking big, so positive. Starting right now, you don’t think small anymore. That stuff is gone. Okay, practice number two. Billionaire, practice number two. I want you to be a problem solver. You’re going to solve problems. You’re going to go after problems. A problem coming your way. Most people run the other way.

The billionaires, the Titans. They’re running to the problem. Because they believe an entrepreneur is somebody who solves problems for society and gets paid to solve them. The common person doesn’t want to deal with problems. But the super entrepreneurs, the billionaires, they’re looking for big problems to solve.

And that’s why society is like, well, if you solve that, we’re going to pay you a lot of money. So you want to be a problem solver. Don’t complain about problems, solve problems. And you can complain after you solve the problem. Most likely you won’t be complaining because you have so much money from solving the problem. You’ll be like, that was a tough problem, but it was fun solving it and it was worth it.

Now, what other problems can I solve? Now? Billionaire practice number three is, I want you to be super generous with your money. I want you to identify needs around which you can contribute to. Now, this might not seem like it’s a billionaire thing.

I’m trying to build a network and you’re telling me to give money to charity, to a poor person or my local Church, or to some needy people around society. But you know what the Bible says that to give is better than to receive.