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Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 3:14 pm
by reemashakeel


Welcome back to another episode of how I became General Tomahawk. Today I want to talk about an important topic if you’re going to be a champion and make a huge difference in your life.

That’s I want to talk about a great champion from whom you can learn a lot about success. About becoming great and about becoming a champion. Facing down your hardships, facing down your critical, and facing down your obstacles.

Tackling everything in your path to go on your way to becoming great. And that’s Djokovic, one of the greatest tennis players of all time.

Definitely in the running for the greatest tennis player of all time, along with Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. And there are some important lessons that we all can learn from Jacobitz. So here they are, some of them, at least in a very quick fashion.

The first one is to be willing to change. There was a time when Djokovic was another tennis player on the professional circuit and he was playing well. He was playing well and he got good, but he could never beat the guys that were in front of him, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal.

There was definitely a time when Rafa was such a big obstacle for Novak and he lost a lot of games and Slams to these guys. And then something happened. Novak changed. He started winning Slams, and he started winning big matches, even against the top guys. He started beating Rafa, he started beating Federer and everything changed for him.

But for that to happen, he had to change. And he got on a diet. He went gluten-free. He did all kinds of things and he became almost unstoppable. So take that lesson for yourself. If you want to break through to the next level, you got to be willing to change yourself. Don’t expect that things are going to change around you.