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Jack Dorsey Gets Hate For Donating A Billion Dollars

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 12:12 pm
by reemashakeel


General is back with another episode of How I Became General Tom Hawk. And today I want to tell you about a very incisive episode, a very instructive episode if you will learn from it. And this is Jack Dorsey’s getting hate for donating a billion dollars.

Recently Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, decided to donate a billion dollars to solve a problem that we are all facing around the globe. And that’s Covid 19, the coronavirus. And guess what happens?
The haters and criticizers come out. I saw an article on Forbes and they’re saying, Jack Dorsey, that’s not how you donate a billion dollars. This is how you’re supposed to donate a billion dollars.

And so I’m like, what right do they have? I mean, the man worked for the money himself. He earned the money himself. So he’s earned the right to donate that billion dollars to fight a disease in the way that he best sees feet.

I mean, his critics can instruct him how to do it after they’ve donated their own billion dollars.
Then they can say this is a better way. We did it in a better way. But I’ll tell you something, those critics are most likely never going to donate a billion dollars to fight disease. That is ravaging the world. Not even 100 million dollars to help fight a disease. ... n-dollars/