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The Ultimate SEO Technical Checklist- What You Need to Consider for a New Site

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 10:24 am
by reemashakeel
SEO or search engine optimization has become an important requirement for all websites. Today, your website cannot serve its intended purpose if it does not have SEO. It is no longer optional. There are many factors that make up a good website, but one great factor that you should never forget to think about for your new site is SEO. Search engine optimization forms a great part of digital marketing plans.

Today, website thinking is far beyond the era of “if you build it, they will come.” There are so many website owners who are struggling with implementing SEO. If you own a new site, you need to know the technical SEO checklist that you should use as a website owner. Here is our SEO technical checklist that will help you work through the important aspects of search engine optimization.


In 2015, Google announced that mobile optimization became a ranking factor for websites. Therefore, if you want better rankings on the search engine results page you need to make sure that your website is mobile-optimized.

Page load speed matters for the good of your website. Nobody wants to open a site that takes longer to load. We all want a site that loads very fast so that we can access what we want on the website. Load speed also matters for search engines. If your site keeps visitors waiting, they will just leave, and remember Google is using your mobile page speed for ranking. Therefore, you need to check your page speed and improve it to make sure it is optimal.

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