3 Funny Stereotypes Of Copywriters

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3 Funny Stereotypes Of Copywriters

Post by reemashakeel »



It is General Tomahawk in the house, the notorious copywriter. And today I want to tell you about three funny stereotypes of copywriters. I hope these don’t apply to me.

Okay, so let’s start with shows like Mad Men. A lot of popular culture references copywriters and advertising guys. There’s this funny stereotype that copywriters are smart. I guess I must be the exception, right? I guess they think they’re smart.

I guess the copyrighting world is having people that think they are pretty smart. You know what? They should try engineering or medicine. Then they’re going to meet some smart people. The second stereotype of copywriters is that they are a little bit impatient. I want that advertising now. I want that copy down and I want it now. I want that design done and I want it now. Like slow down.

Read More: :arrow: https://towersofzeyron.com/3-funny-ster ... writers-2/
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