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Level 3 Billionaire Practical Exercise

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 3:18 pm
by reemashakeel


Now the practical exercise for this level is it comprises three parts. In the first part, you’re going to make a list of the ten skills that you are going to need to learn to master to reach.

Do a 58 billionaire goal. So write on paper, on your computer, or on your phone the ten skills that you are going to need to master. Learn to hit your 50-year billionaire goal. That’s one.

And then number two, I want you to set your one-year billionaire goal. Which is going to include one, actually learning those ten skills. You’ll make some progress on that. That’s the first part of your one-year billionaire goal is you need to learn those ten skills right away.

The second part is making some money right away. Now you might not like to make a million or a billion over that one year, this next one year.

Although if you can, that’d be great, right? You got to make some money somewhere so you might be in a place where you’re starting from absolute zero. Like I did when I started out in my entrepreneurial jenny.

As I mentioned earlier on in the course, I found myself laid off from a great job and so I didn’t have the skills. So I started learning the skills. But, I had to make a little money. I couldn’t make money doing the billionaire-type things because I didn’t have those skills.

I had to look at it like, what do I know right now? Am I a good cook? Can I cook at McDonald’s? Can I go polish people’s shoes?

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Can I write software? Can I consult in accounting and finance? So you got to stop making some money right away. And you might have a skill that’s already low creative where you can make some good amount of money, $300,000 a year.

A million dollars a year, or whatever. Or you might make it for the year. That’s completely fine as long as the first part of your one-year goal is. Actually, learning those ten skills that are going to let you do your 50-year billionaire goal. Why? Because when you have the skills, that is when the money is going to come. Because knowledge precedes the network.

It’s okay to make nothing your first year. As long as you’ve learned the ten billionaire skills. That is going to help you do your 50-year billionaire goal. Why? Because in 2-50 years, you’re going to make so much money that it will not matter that you made nothing your first year.

A lot of the people that are tycoons and titans in their first year of business, made zero. Like no money because they were building some product. Building some organization. ... -exercise/