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Billionaire Tilman Ferttita's 95:5 Percent Rule

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:28 am
by reemashakeel


General Tomahawk is back. And, well, I got Robin Sharma playing in the background. Let’s see if we can pause Robin Sharma for a second. And that’s one other thing, too, are you always gotta keep learning and improving your skills.

So today, to help you with your online marketing and your digital marketing. I want to tell you about Cumin Fetita’s 95% Roof. I mean, it seems so surprising when you learn about the 95% roof. Because a lot of people have heard about the parental principle. That says 20% of the effort produces 80% of the results. This is like, it’s much more hardcore it’s not even a version of that. It’s beyond the Pareto principle. It says any operation or any business online. He didn’t say online business because he stalked restaurants and things like that.

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