Tai Lopez Here In My Garage: A Marketer's Stunned Reaction

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Tai Lopez Here In My Garage: A Marketer's Stunned Reaction

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Thought I'd post my thoughts as a marketer after taking a look at the famous Tai Lopez marketing video, "Here In My Garage."

First of all the video is absolutely phenomenal, if you haven't seen it yet across YouTube and social media. It's at over 71 million views, and has become something of a cultural icon in the online marketing and social media marketing space.

In the video, Tai Lopez talks about a new Lamborgirni he just bought, and then pans out to the books behind him, attributing all his success to the books and mentors that have taught him over the years. He ends with a Call To Action to get a free training that promotes his "67 Steps" training program, which is all about getting the best ideas from various mentors Tai has identified as being helpful in his journey from broke to wealthy.

So here are my takeaways and advice for what you can gain from looking at the incredible reach of this super viral video: social media works for marketing your business. I can imagine, with 71 million views, this video was a more effective salesman for Tai's brand and products than just about any other piece of ad creative he's ever created.

So play around with social media. Try different types of creative to get attention and get your brand in front of the masses. And this works whether you're selling info products like Tai, or SaaS, ecommerce, or other kinds of products. The more social you get, the more sales you're going to make.

Now one criticism of this video and Tai Lopez's marketing is that he seems to be channelling viewers to take a materialistic approach to life. Now, that may be true, so you need to be aware of the pros and cons of this flashy lifestyle marketing.

No criticism of Tai here. I like the guy, I think he's an absolute marketing genius like Steve Jobs was.

I'd have thought, personally, that people would be true fans of reading and the books that Tai Lopez champions, which will in fact change your life. But sadly, guys, we have proof that driving Lamborginis and hanging out with women will get more views than the content about just plain books and business.

I mean, look at the advertising for one particular brand that I like, the ads for the Dos Equis beer brand. They always show the man in a restaurant or something with some women around him. That's called "social proof." It's shallow, and it's a bit crass.

In your own down to earth way, maybe consider lifestyle marketing as a viable approach to marketing your product or brand, especially on social media. I'm not encouraging you to become the next "Most Interesting Man In The World" by any chance, but see how you can weave your product into users pursuing the lifestyle that they aspire to live, like how Kylie Jenner has done with Kylie Cosmetics.

But, be careful with this kind of marketing. If you do it wrong, it can turn off the die hard brand fans that don't care for superficial marketing.
:idea: Turn your biz into the Bugatti or Ferrari of your industry: https://bootcamp.towersofzeyron.com/bootcamp
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