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A Hit List Of My Favorite Podcasts

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 11:45 pm
by ten
It's no secret I'm a fan of the heavy metal. My kinda music is fast, insanely fast, and not so "official."

So what does a Renegade Solopreneur listen to when not cruising to the jangly "Priest" or W.A.S.P. howlers?

Well, more down to earth "bidness" fare if you will, but still with a flair of the unusual haha!!!

Okay here's a hit list:

1. How To Think by the man Dan Henry
2. Anik Singal Show by Anik
3. Real AF by the man Andy Frisella
4. Get Paid by the gal Claire Pells
5. Cardone Zone by the original Bidnessman, Grant Cardone


- How I Met Your Mother (just kidding, of course not!)
- First Take with Steven A Smith and other guilty parties!

But, if you're a #solopreneur, stay tuned because The Renegade Billionaire Vlog is coming soon, and we're gonna talk about how to manage your mindset, your bidness, and rock your own brand the Renegade Billionaire way! If you want to be a guest, well, drop me an email (ten at towers of zeyron dot com)!!!

Stay rockin my friends!!!