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The Incredible Economics Behind “Free” Apps, And Online App Scams

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 1:19 pm
by reemashakeel
The age of smartphones has integrated the mobile industry into people’s everyday lives in such an intricate way that other technologies have yet to beat. Mobile phones have evolved from analog devices primarily used for calling and texting into the smartphones we know today that can compute and function as personal computers right at our fingertips. Experts even say that the smartphones we hold in our hands have far superior processing power than the computers used during the moon launch. Today, mobile internet usage surpassed desktop usage.


It’s not a surprise that research on smartphone security is growing rampantly in response to the rapid adoption of new platforms such as Android and iOS. Service providers are continually finding ways to bring smartphones and internet service even to remote, underprivileged areas, thanks to the affordability of these devices due to the massive demand for this modern gadget.

Developers, manufacturers, and dealers are getting more and more creative in how to capitalize on this 21st-century trend that’s bound to keep going in the years to come.

According to research from Semantic Scholar, “smartphones are characterized by their ability to run third-party applications, and Android and iOS take this concept to the extreme, offering hundreds of thousands of “apps” through application markets.” A result of this is an increased focus on protecting users from apps, and efforts in designing new OS protection mechanisms and security analysis of real apps are intensifying.

But what lures consumers into availing of free apps? And if mobile apps are that profitable for developers and business owners, how do they make money out of something they offered for free?

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