The Trillion Dollar Skill

Learn how to sell high ticket offers, and discuss how we sell high ticket offers of all kinds.
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The Trillion Dollar Skill

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Sales is more than a cool technique we use to drum up a bit more business when times are bad.

No, it is a fundamental driver behind commerce itself. So much so that it is a trillion dollar skill.

Did you know that global trade is way over $28 trillion dollars? And that's just the commerce between countries? A lot of that trade is driven by and executed by master salesmen, merchants, and trade executives, negotiating and closing deals in one way or another, and settling trades sometimes with individuals and clients they will never see face to face.

Sales in the aggregate generates trillions in value for the world economy, and is likely responsible in some measure for just about every product or service you've bought this year.

Now of course with technology and AI, a lot of the sales rep's work is increasingly automated by websites that sell things seamlessly as part of the online user journey, or chatbots and weird new things like that.

But learning to be a salesman, in today's world, especially if you are an entrepreneur, is a skill that will last you for a lifetime. And for the world economy, this is an indispensable, trillion dollar skill! So get selling!!!
:idea: Turn your biz into the Bugatti or Ferrari of your industry:
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