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Lessons From The TV Show Undercover Billionaire

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 2:56 am
by ten
"I don't always drink beer but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis!"

Haha. So says The Most Interesting Man In The World.

He's a smart guy. Silly old me don't always watch TV. I can't justify it in a world where I got #solopreneur sheenanigans to attend to, plus catching up on Youtube shows which are almost as fun as TV, and the infinite world of the guitar. But when I do watch TV, it better be good!

Which is why I stumbled onto the TV show, Undercover Billionaire. Featuring one of my favorite marketers, Grant Cardone, this show challenges entrepreneurs to leave their homes and go start over from scratch in a completely different town far away.

There's a lot to learn from the show, including the power of grit, perseverance, and the need to master a sales mindset. When you've got just 90 days to build a business, having a lot of sales experience, as Grant Cardone amply demonstrated on the show, really does come in handy. But are there some dark sides?

We'll explore that in a future post!