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AI Won't Turn You Into A Doctor

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 12:39 am
by ten
Haha, I was on a real AI high from playing around with AI and learning how this stuff really works. For anyone new to AI, it's easy to get blown away in the first 5 hours of working with an AI tool like ChatGPT and thinking, "Boy, we can take over the world with this. What is it that Tony Montana's new little friend can NOT do?"

But then I looked back at the prompts I was writing that would sell stuff, and the most striking was when I ran one of the suggested prompts for writing an ad to sell a software.

Dutifully, the AI generated a completely fine ad.

Except, it's NOT AT ALL what I or any direct response copywriter I'd expect to consult with, would recommend for running as an ad if you want to actually get customers for the software.

Not because it's WRONG, but because the AI doesn't have the context of where in the BUYER JOURNEY the user is when we run this ad in front of them.

Now, you could supply this information to the AI and it will write a completely different ad that works better, waaay better. The original version, since it doesn't know what I the copywriter know about where the buyer is in the BUYER JOURNEY for this ad we want to run to COLD TRAFFIC, was basically JUNK, though TECHNICALLY CORRECT. TECHNICALLY CORRECT JUNK.

But here's the rub: the people who even know this extra context and stuff about why you need to target this ad at the BUYER JOURNEY and the stuff about COLD vs HOT TRAFFIC, is a small subset of the human population, and they're categorized generally as PROFESSIONAL COPYWRITERS AND OTHER MARKETING NINJAS.

Your average business executive from HR or accounting doesn't know this stuff. It's DOMAIN SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE, learned over years of study. So their prompts, if they go out to write Facebook ads with AI without this DOMAIN SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE, will LOOK AND FEEL CORRECT, but they'll be, in practice, JUNK.

And it's also why if I try to treat and diagnose patients at the local hospital using AI, my recommendations based on the AI, while TECHNICALLY CORRECT, will be JUNK, because I lack the medical context and DOMAIN SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE to even know what medicines and diseases go where.

In other words, if you've never taken a BIOLOGY CLASS in your life, AI can make you give medical recommendations, but YOU'RE GONNA KILL PEOPLE if you actually try to work fulltime as a doctor with nothing but the AI. AI can give a doctor good answers for domain specific stuff they already know HOW AND WHY THE PARTS FIT TOGETHER AND WHAT'S NEEDED WHERE, but for the rest of us mere mortals: NO MY GOOD FRIEND, AI WON'T MAKE YOU A DOCTOR. And we should remember that!