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Book A Call With Ten Mutunhire

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2022 8:30 am
by reemashakeel


Hi there. My name is Ten Mutunhire, and chances are I can help your small business generate.

Anywhere from a hundred thousand to a million dollars, through my copywriting skills over the next twelve months. I’m a copywriter.

The approach I use is called Direct Response copywriting. And it has generated billions of dollars for all kinds of businesses. Marketers and organizations over the last several decades.

It has been used by legends like David Ogilvy, Ken Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Gary Holbert, and a lot more. There’s a lot that I could get into, but the best way to find out.

How I can help you is to get on a call with me so we can dive into exactly what problems you’re trying to solve in your business. What are your goals for sales and marketing? Talk to you soon. Bye. ... mutunhire/