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How To Get Started On Youtube 2020 John Crestani Teaches You How

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 3:40 am
by reemashakeel


Hey, John Crestani here. I’m gonna be going over how to get your first thousand YouTube subscribers fast. Now, if you don’t already know this, to make money from YouTube. You need to get to a thousand subscribers before you can enable AdSense. This means that YouTube will start paying your money whenever they show ads over your videos.

Now, this can be an enormous revenue source. In my case, I’m making about $15,000extra per month from my YouTube channel. But there are many YouTubers who are also earning full-time incomes by putting up videos on YouTube. So let’s get into the three steps to growing your YouTube subscribers to 10 people. Let’s get it.

Hey, John Crestani here. I’m going to be going over how to grow your YouTube channel to 10 subscribers pretty fast. Now, I could grow my YouTube subscriber base fast once I started working on YouTube in this manner, and you can, too. This can be an extra way for you to make money. Whether you’re looking for an extra way to work from home.

A side income to support your family or your job or your retirement. YouTube is a great way to earn extra money. And it’s so easy and it’s cheap, it makes sense. Now, the first step to growing your YouTube channel to 1000 subscribers. You must model your videos after proven topics that other YouTubers in your niche are putting out content on.

Start by guessing what to make videos about, which are crazy. But you have to remember, it’s not about what you want to speak about, it’s about what people want to hear about. Once again, it has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with what people are looking for.

The best way to figure out what people are looking for and what people want to watch. Make a list of the top ten YouTube channels in your niche. Actually, do this right now. Get a pen and paper out. Put up a notepad on your computer. Get off your darn smartphone that’s destroying your mind. Start making a list and pause this video and make a list of the top ten YouTubers in your niche.

Whether that’s in gardening. Whether that’s in photography. Whether that’s in furniture making. Whether that’s in animal trapping. Whatever it is, pause the video and make a list of the top ten YouTubers. Now, the next step in figuring out what people want to hear about is to go to these YouTubers. In each of the top ten, go over to the videos tab on their channel. Now you can go down, there’s a little filter. ... s-you-how/