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The Advertising Industry Is Now Worth $1.2 Trillion

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 11:29 am
by reemashakeel
As Marketing in its various forms continues to grow through mobile, content marketing, social platforms, and new digital platforms.

The Advertising and Marketing industry saw huge growth in 2017 and now comprises a market value of $1.2 Trillion. This is according to a new report by PQ Media.


The industry has grown at a fast-paced 3.9% through 2017. As impressive as that figure is, it is eclipsed by the 4.9% growth rate in the advertising and marketing industry experienced in 2016. These figures, and more, may be found in the full report, dubbed the Global Advertising & Marketing Revenue Forecast 2017-21. It covers the in-depth forecast of the advertising and marketing industry until 2021.

2017 did not have the same plethora of political elections and sporting advertising opportunities. As a result, the growth of the industry is somewhat lower in 2016.

Digital platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google AdWords will continue to be big growth opportunities for advertising and marketing.

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