The General Breaks Down Amazon’s Inexorable Success As A Brand

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The General Breaks Down Amazon’s Inexorable Success As A Brand

Post by reemashakeel »


The general is back and he’s on fire. Welcome back to another episode of how I became General Tomahawk. In this episode, the general breaks down. Amazon’s inexorable success as a brand, and it’s now one of the largest companies in the world. Needless to say, Amazon has been super successful as a brand in ways that you can learn.

If you’re trying to sell info products or if you’re trying to sell a course and build your brand. You have some lessons to learn from Amazon. So here they are in short order. Amazon plays the long game, and a lot of entrepreneurs want to make a quick buck. When you look at the success of Amazon as a brand, they are making little money today to make more in the future. That gives them a lot of staying power, that kind of approach.

So think long term, don’t think short term. Another big thing that prepares the Amazon brand forward is low prices, Okay? They are competing with Walmart.

Amazon has optimized its supply chain to make buyers convenient for shopping here.

So everything is super optimized to deliver low prices to the consumer. That doesn’t mean that this stuff on Amazon is cheap. There’s some pretty costly stuff there as well. But generally, they try to reduce margins on a lot of stuff to attract more customers. Now, that’s not always the approach you want to take. But think about how you can deliver cost savings to the customer and how you can make things more efficient. Third, the Amazon brand rewards you for being a good customer.

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