How To Write High Converting Ads For Your 7 Figure Product Launch

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How To Write High Converting Ads For Your 7 Figure Product Launch

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How you write ads for your 7 Figure Product Launch plays a crucially important role in the success of your product launch.

What I recommend here is that you should first of all have ads selling your email list optin and announcing your upcoming product launch.

Some example ad copy for this, for a men's fashion ecommerce store would look like,

"Grab The Men's Style Cheat Sheet For Free, And Find Out Our Newest Signature Look"

Something like that. And then in your ad body, you can talk about why this will transform their drab out of date look and turn them into the hip fashionista. This works for both text ads and video ads. End with a Call To Action to download the cheat sheet. If launching your new product, maybe include a 10% off coupon they can save and use in your store.

The second major category of ads I recommend you run is retargeting ads. Here, you'll want to promote a variety of action steps:

- email optins
- lead magnets
- buying a low ticket product in your store, such as a pair of socks or a low cost fashion accessory
- giving away a one-time only coupon
- if they had added something to cart before, a discount coupon to return to their shopping cart

When writing ad copy, keep in mind that the headline and copy in your ad has to be congruent with what they see when they click and land on a landing page. If those things are out of sync, you'll lose a lot of people.
:idea: Turn your biz into the Bugatti or Ferrari of your industry:
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