Random Notes From The Path To A Billion

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Random Notes From The Path To A Billion

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These are some hand-written notes from the upcoming Renegade Billionaire Crash Course I'll be releasing soon.

I can't really teach you to be a billionaire. But, haha, as a Zimbabwean, I was a billionaire once, and as I say, my life has never been the same since those good days ;)

I think I was a quadrillionaire, and many of my fellow citizens were, who knows? Ultimate dollar-naires??!!!

And no, don't let them lie to you, CNBC and Fortune and all the good media:

- it doesn't take as long to be a billionaire, in fact, if the central bank is printing enough money, any citizen can wake up a billionaire pretty much overnight haha
- and on the flip side, it's NOT all it's cracked up to be. Buyer beware!

On a more serious note, here are excerpts from the Renegade Billionaire Crash Course on "The Path To A Billion":

- Don't think big, think MASSIVE
- Break it down
- Set goals, not on a 2 year timeframe like a goldfish, but on a HALF CENTURY timeframe
- 50 years, not 5 years
- What do you have to do today to be worth a billion some day
- Ten Mutunhire's "Billionaire Metagame"
- World War 2 lessons and mistakes to avoid from warmonger Adolf Hitler
- 5 Billionaires to learn from
- Charlie Munger
- Grant Cardone
- Donald Trump
- Elon Musk
- Tilman Ferrtita
- 5 Key Lessons

The free Crash Course will be coming soon, watch for an announcement at The Renegade Billionaire Forum, or check my YouTube and socials.

See ya there!
:idea: Turn your biz into the Bugatti or Ferrari of your industry: https://bootcamp.towersofzeyron.com/bootcamp
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