8 Beginner Internet Marketing Tips

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8 Beginner Internet Marketing Tips

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Picture this. You want to go to London but you have no map. Worst of all, you have no idea where you are in the world. You just got dropped off in the middle of nowhere and your lifelong dream has been to get to London one day. What are the odds, do you think, that you will wind up in London?

Slim, to say the least.

But everything changes when you have a map.

When I personally started out in the marketing world, I was a complete clueless buffoon. I didn't know A LOT of things. But worst of all, I didn't know THAT I didn't know!!!! And that's the kinda stuff that kills you.

Here are some quick tips that would have speeded up my learning journey.

1. You will live or die based on building audiences - email lists, social media followings, etc.

2. Take a very long term perspective to the internet marketing game. Think about how you can be doing this 10-25 years from now.

3. Find ways to combine business with fun - for me that means hobbies like music, music touring, and creating my art. For you, it might be a passion for painting, cooking, golfing, whatever rocks your boat.

4. All the money is in the list.

5. Copywriting is NOT marketing. Marketing is NOT copywriting. I quickly mastered copywriting but my overall marketing skillset lagged behind.

6. If you can speak multiple languages and communicate in them, it opens up more of the world and the internet. I'm learning Greek now, but if I'd begun earlier, I could have been onto Chinese or Japanese or Irish or some other additional languages.

7. Video and podcasts are here to stay. In many ways, they have replaced blogging.

8. SEO, for most of us, is dead. If you're a big budget million dollar marketer or a Fortune 500 company, you can make SEO pay and you don't need to be reading this post. You're a major league marketer. But for noobs like me, SEO is a Ponzi Scheme. I wouldn't touch it with a 100-foot pole.

In the Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp, I provide some marketing systems to help you promote your services or products. While not focused on internet marketing as such, these principles are a more advanced version of the basics covered here. Whenever you want to check it out for free, you can find it here:

:idea: Turn your biz into the Bugatti or Ferrari of your industry: https://bootcamp.towersofzeyron.com/bootcamp
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